(1) Register your cell phone to bid, (2) bid on auction items directly from your cell phone, and (3) pick up your winning items at the Lake Sumter Children's Advocacy Center on Sunday, March 14 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm.
Bidding for the online auction starts at 9:00am on Thursday, March 11. Bidding closes at 8:00pm on Saturday, March 13. You can register at any time and browse the available items.
To register for our online auction, please CLICK HERE or simply text the letters LSCAC to 72727 on your cell phone.
Due to the nature of the online auction, you must enter a credit card in order to bid. We are not able to accept cash or checks. Bidding closes on Saturday, March 11 at 8:00pm. Winning bidders will be automatically charged for their items at approximately 8:00pm on 3/13/21. The credit card that you entered at registration will be charged. If you would like to change your credit card, simply register a second time with the new credit card BEFORE THE AUCTION CLOSES AT 8:00PM ON 3/13/21. If you re-register with the same cell phone number, all of your bids and activity will still be available.
The Lake Sumter Children's Advocacy and Qtego will never share or sell your credit card or other personal information. Your credit card information will only be used for processing payments and donations related to this auction and will not be stored after the auction fundraiser is completed.
Bidding opens Thursday, March 11 at 9:00am. You must be registered to bid. Click the Auction Items button, scroll to your chosen item, click the picture or description, and click SUBMIT to place your bid.
You will receive a text with a receipt once your payment has been processed. During item pick-up at the Lake Sumter Children's Advocacy Center, we will also provide you with a printed receipt. Winning bidders can pick up their items at the Lake Sumter Children's Advocacy Center - 300 S. Canal St.; Leesburg, FL 34748. Special curbside pick-up will be available Sunday, March 14th from 1:00pm to 4:00pm. Visit www.cac4kids.org for additional information.
Financial contributions and donations of items to the Lake Sumter Children's Advocacy Center are tax deductible. Our Center is a 501 (c)(3) private non-profit agency.
Winning bidders can pick up their items at the Lake Sumter Children's Advocacy Center - 300 S. Canal St.; Leesburg, FL 34748. Special curbside pick-up will be available Sunday, March 14th from 1:00pm to 4:00pm. Visit www.cac4kids.org for additional information.
Financial contributions to the Lake Sumter Children's Advocacy Center are tax deductible. Our Center is a 501 (c)(3) private non-profit agency. We greatly appreciate your support and gladly accept donations of any size.
If you are registered for the auction, you can click the "DONATE" button to give any amount with the credit card you entered at registration. If you would like to Sponsor a Child, you can also click the "CHILD SPONSOR" button.
To give now by credit card or Paypal, you can click the DONATE button below:
We also accept Visa or MC credit card gifts by telephone. Simply call (352) 323-8303 and have your card ready.
To donate by mail, please make your check payable to "Lake Sumter Children's Advocacy Center" and mail it to 300 S. Canal St., Leesburg, FL 34748.
The online auction site has a "HELP?" button with lots of details on how to bid.
For technical questions or assistance with the auction site, please contact Qtego at service@qtego.com.
For questions about auction item details or item pick-up, please contact the Lake Sumter Children's Advocacy Center at info@cac4kids.org or (352) 323-8303.